These settings control the available races in the settlement, as well as how often they appear. Each race can be customised - there are options for name generation, appearance, and ages.
A persons age determines what role they will fill in society. FTG has 5 age groups:
- Baby
- School
- Young adult
- Adult
- Elderly
Babies are considered dependants, and need to be constantly looked after by someone.
School age people will attempt to go to school if they are in an applicable lifestyle class, otherwise they may do an apprenticeship, or just live at home.
Young adults / adults are eligible for all job postings. The main difference between the two are that older adults have a higher likelihood of having a partner + children.
Elderly people are considered retired, and no longer work.
You can configure how tall people are at each stage of their life, on average.
Appearance template
You can customise the description of a persons appearance that appears in the person information panel. The template is
made up of individual lines, each of which may contain a substitution variable, e.g. $option1
. For each variable, you
provide a random table of values.
For example, you could have the template line "Has $option1, $option2, $option3 hair", along with the variables defined like:
: "bald"/"long"/"cropped" (label: "hair length")$option2
: "curly"/"messy"/"straight" (label: "hair texture")$option3
: "blonde"/"brown"/"grey" (label: "hair colour")
When rendering a persons information, the template line could be written like "Has cropped, messy, grey hair".
Each template line can be configured to be conditional, based on the gender, age, or the value of a variable. If the
template line wouldn't be rendered because of this, we can also provide a fallback template line. For
example, we can configure the above hair template line to only render if the value of $option1
isn't bald - and if the
person is bald, we can just render "Has a bald head" instead. In the create settlement form, that would look like:
Option labelling
You give each option a label so that in the edit person form, you can understand what changing the option value will do.
Name generation
There are a number of pre-configured name generators in the tool. Here is a list of them, plus a list of example names for each.
- Generic (default human names)
- Pargask Wextri
- Glaraum Twillessin
- Giriel Lephais
- Halût Twillessin
- Adilikor Cisidor
- Rough (default half-orc names)
- Grathgrot
- Slurrag
- Gashgutghy
- Ludugay
- Lufgorgah
- Draconic (default dragonborn names)
- Iulvorungis Rhedur
- Raubazia Vradur
- Chrysobradaxia Jazradur
- Jalanboros Tchalcedyax
- Rhezuthraxia Archoriel
- Fair (default elf names)
- Gareniel Eylliselrvis
- Saerthonroël Ousseatlarn
- Thelernar Dirtheplith
- Siladriel Orlevirrea
- Earasor Melithlylth
- Homely (default gnome names)
- Adily Oakhouse
- Haldert Bolgefield
- Adrard Mugfin
- Erdwina Bolgeheaver
- Othia Buncepipe
- Infernal (default tiefling names)
- Hrekulbul
- Yalmalz
- Dromuaug
- Grolbglaur
- Basraz
- Tough (default dwarf names)
- Broda Cobaltdun
- Dorri Stonepan
- Orma Quartzlode
- Skandlif Greatsink
- Fundlis Proudpassage
- Tough / homely mix
- Thunda Goldbottom
- Throlold Nutstamp
- Throla Gobbleflight
- Dorald Togglereach
- Dralily Gobblerest
- Old English
- Afton D’Ambray
- Halsey Renold
- Mirth Crump
- Winter Ballard
- Griffith Medley
- Old French
- Mathurine Laillier
- Aubelet De Villeneuve
- Olive Brussin
- Poubelle Hureaulx
- Adam Le Grant
- Old German
- Helena Schmid
- Neythartc Kilianus
- Sanne Pfeiffer
- Henr Schröder
- Eneyde Schneider
- Old Russian
- Zdislav Schepetov
- Tomislav Bondarovich
- Larissa Stepanov
- Regelinda Okinfov
- Timofey Onaninich
Custom name generators
Premium users can upload their own name generation tables, and those can be selected here.